You asked for it

Here’s a little iPhone video of me singing the National Anthem on June 22, 2013 at AT&T Park in San Francisco. I kinda blacked out so there ya go IMG 0762 from Emily Neveu on Vimeo. Thank you Ricardo for the video!
Happy Valentine’s Day Love Square

I was lucky enough to sing on a Valentine’s animation for Square‘s new Tumblr site! Check it out!
My Song + Dana’s Vid = !!!

The ever so brilliant Dana Shaw teamed up with also wonderfully brilliant Brandon Moore and Joe Lindsay to make a dope little video that features a song of mine. Check it out and then come visit me in San Francisco. Thanks. Battery Crosby Study from Dana Shaw on Vimeo.
Hey go to this

Oh hey I’m going to see the lovely Annie Clark at The Fox Oakland on April 24. You should go too. TuNeYaRdS are also playing and I love. This is my favorite St Vincent vid ever: St Vincent Dig a Pony And this is my favorite TuNeYaRdS vid ever (via Yours Truly): tUnEyArDs via […]
Blast from the past

Just randomly googled my name today. Weird things come up. I read some nice things. Some mean things. Sometimes people mistake me for a different Emily Neveu who lives in Michigan. I’m often tagged as this person on Facebook. I leave them tagged. But I just came across this old radio thing I did a […]