Breakfast Hot Dog
I get on the 6:10am Muni train almost every morning. I know, this is an ungodly hour and no one should be awake then and blah blah blah moving on. The characters who get on the train this early are pretty interesting. I’ve learned that you want to be on the first car of the […]
Galettes: Soooo Hot This Season

The thing I love most about galettes is that you can literally put anything inside of one and, because it’s wrapped up in a flaky pastry, it’s pretty much going to taste amazing. In case you don’t know what a galette is, it’s basically a free form flat round-ish tart. I’ve used different pastry recipes, […]
More Yelp Drama

In August, Shawn and I took a road trip to the Oregon Coast as we do every summer. We typically drive up to the California/Oregon border, spend the night in a funky cottage or cabin, then continue our drive up north. One the way back, however, we’ve sucked it up and driven the whole way […]
The Legend of Sassy Jordan

Growing up, my mother always insisted that being a weirdo was/is a good thing. My favorite motto of hers that has stuck with me till this day is, “Being called ‘weird’ is a compliment.” I have taken this motto to heart and will most certainly pass it on to my unborn children. I used to […]
Fuchsia Lady

An overweight woman wearing a very generic looking fuchsia tank top and fake Tom’s shoes is standing in the corner of the tire shop. Although her clothes are modest and forgetful, the huge sparkling diamond wedding ring on her left hand clearly screams, ”I used to be a sexy curvy young thaang and my man […]
Day Three

After a week of drinking a little too much throughout the week and contemplating jumping off the N to vomit in a bush before work, I was rather looking forward to taking it easy this long Labor Day weekend and getting in some sweet R&R before heading back to work. Shawn and I watched a […]
“It’s Organic”

I love San Francisco. I truly feel like this city belongs to me and that I belong to it. I love that everyone composts and businessmen ride the bus and dogs happily trot leashless behind their owners while on walks. I love how people are total weirdos and it’s just accepted. Oh, and who can […]
Adventures on Muni

Today on the way to work, a woman got on the Muni and sat in front of me. She was a statuesque middle-aged woman with bright blonde wildly large hair. I have a feeling her hair is normally a lovely curl but she probably got made fun of as a kid for having kinky hair […]
You asked for it

Here’s a little iPhone video of me singing the National Anthem on June 22, 2013 at AT&T Park in San Francisco. I kinda blacked out so there ya go IMG 0762 from Emily Neveu on Vimeo. Thank you Ricardo for the video!