Happy Valentine’s Day Love Square

I was lucky enough to sing on a Valentine’s animation for Square‘s new Tumblr site! Check it out!
Neat Things

Saw this super neat video off DesignSponge that was slightly mind blowing about an invisible bicycle helmet. Check it out, please: The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo. Also pretty darn pumped on the website LostType.com. I’m always searching for new, fun fonts and this one is a […]
Mission Chinese Food/FSC/Shawn Doyle

I’m totally pumped that my dear Shawn Doyle was able to be a part of this amazing short produced for Freemans Sporting Club. Shot at the infamous Mission Chinese Food in San Francisco, the short looks amazing and sounds amazing using the talents of Mr. Doyle. Super proud! Mission Chinese from Sunday Paper on Vimeo.
My Song + Dana’s Vid = !!!

The ever so brilliant Dana Shaw teamed up with also wonderfully brilliant Brandon Moore and Joe Lindsay to make a dope little video that features a song of mine. Check it out and then come visit me in San Francisco. Thanks. Battery Crosby Study from Dana Shaw on Vimeo.
Not a Big Deal

But Youth Lagoon sports a Calico Horse shirt. NBD. Also there’s like 293847 of these left so if you want one, let me know via Yourstru.ly‘s instagram
Girl Crush of the day: Anna Calvi

I love her so. Been listening to her for a while but my iPod got erased of all music while I was doing an update on it the other day and I haven’t put her album back on there. All her live vids are amazing–she not only shreds a Telecaster, but her voice is literally […]
Hey go to this

Oh hey I’m going to see the lovely Annie Clark at The Fox Oakland on April 24. You should go too. TuNeYaRdS are also playing and I love. This is my favorite St Vincent vid ever: St Vincent Dig a Pony And this is my favorite TuNeYaRdS vid ever (via Yours Truly): tUnEyArDs via YoursTru.ly […]